Success Stories
Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) Success Stories

I did not expect how dramatic the results would be...
I experience far less anxiety and feel more confident...
Ian Maxwell
The most powerful thing I learned is how to stop shouting at my kids…

Andy Fickett
CEO and Dad of 2
It benefited me in all aspects of my life. Once I understood who I am and why, my relationships improved personally and professionally.
I was struggling with the challenges of raising my adopted son, who deals with significant trauma related behaviors. My wife and I had tried various medications, therapies, and other treatments in support of our son. We didn't know what else to do.
I have some much more awareness and perspective about who I am as a person and a parent. I had no idea how much I needed to unpack about my own childhood.
The approach wasn't like anything I had been exposed to before. It was easy to understand and it made sense.
My experience was life changing.. I am so proud of the work I have done and the person that I have become. I know I would not have been able to accomplish any of this without doing this work with Nathalie’s guidance and support.

Kalei McClelland
Mother of 2
I like how transforming and extremely valuable this method is...
I am definitely more rooted in and aware of myself. I would say the benefits are subtle in nature but I can say for certain that I have never stepped this much into my "power/purpose" ever before. I am starting to walk the talk.

Mother of 2
For years I have felt a blockage in my career life as a freelance designer. I could only explain it as a wall that would prevent me from sharing my work and getting new clients.
I had an RTT session with Nathalie and the results were immediate. I was nervous at first, but Nathalie has a calming and nurturing presence which made me feel safe and comfortable.
I was able to recall memories from a young age and made me realize where my beliefs and insecurities were coming from and how they had formed at a very young age.
I had been carrying them in me for over 30 years.
After the session, I immediately felt like a big burden had been lifted and that the beliefs I was carrying for so many years were not my own but my mothers.
I have been sharing my creative work freely with the world now. The session was life changing for me.

Mother of 1
It Made me more self-aware and more able to stop reacting and start responding appropriately to difficult situations with my daughter. It has helped me be a calmer and more caring parent.
I loved how easily I was guided towards finding the root cause of my issues. To reach that level of depth so quickly is more powerful than any other therapy I've tried before. It was a great experience of self discovery and insight, as well as practical steps to apply all this newly gained wisdom in my everyday life.

Amanda Marie
Mother of 1
The frequency of my son's emotional outbursts has dramatically decreased by 75-80%, and I am able to handle them without yelling.
It was the therapy that I didn't know I needed but it turned out to be invaluable. I now have the tools to effectively handle my own emotions. As a result of this my relationship with my son has strengthened immensely. I recommend this to anyone dealing with any type of trigger.

Tanya Schneider
Mother of 2
When I take care of my inner child, I take the wheel back. In return my kids’ behaviors change for the better as well.
I was in a bit of a dark time going into the sessions and it helped me tremendously to have the support of such a compassionate person.
Even though I knew that kids are our mirrors before, it still surprised me to witness it again and again during the time Nathalie worked with me.
We were able to work on my deep childhood wounds and start a healing process.
I came to many new realizations during these three months.
When I take care of my inner child, I take the wheel back. In return my kids’ behaviors change for the better as well.
Nathalie’s gentle approach of asking the right questions and painting a picture for me is invaluable.
Mary B.
This method gave me a sense of peace. I have tried traditional therapy in the past that didn’t give me the same result as working with Nathalie.
I was looking for peace around certain relationships in my life.
It was different from anything I had done before. I feel like the experience helped me gain a sense of self, and see the true reality of what was going on as opposed to the story I told myself. This has enabled me to gain peace around my life and with relationships. It showed me a different way to look at life and the people in my life.
This work gave me a different perspective on why people act and react to things as they do....I no longer take personally what people do and say because I realize that it has nothing to do with me.
Mother of 1
The Rapid Transformational Therapy is very powerful and it works. I have been to therapists in the past and tried all different types of therapies from regular therapy (listening) to reiki to tapping…and nothing has ever worked because it never got to the root of the cause – with all of my therapy sessions in the past, I always felt that I paid a lot of money for virtually nothing and eventually I just stopped going or even trying to work on myself.
And now with the RTT – it’s not only the method you are using but it is you and the positive energy that you bring with it that makes it work so well. What you are doing is incredible…you are healing the world, one person, at a time:)
Thank you:)
Mother of 2
My marriage has improved as a result of no longer feeling consumed by my emotions and I won’t ever be as emotionally reactive as I was previously
Nathalie’s kind approach helped me recognise my own emotions.
She helped me learn for myself how to discern the gap between recognising the emotion and choosing how to respond.
Prior to Nathalie’s guidance I knew of this gap, but wasn’t able to discern it.
I am able to more objectively observe them and calmly make decisions.
I have been modeling this behavior to my family, and our lives are so much better now.
I have been through many hours of therapy overall. I consider the journey that Nathalie guided me through to be of a significant shift.
Mother of 4
Nathalie has been pivotal in guiding me into a deeper understanding of my trauma and childhood conditioning. I am aware of what I need and attend to those needs in a skillful way so I can be more effective as a parent and teacher. In addition, I am more present and compassionate with my children and students.
I respond to situations from a place of understanding and awareness because I am able to regulate my emotions and thoughts in the moment.
There are many reasons why I have seen an exponential growth in these last 3 years with Nathalie, whether it be her mindful way of listening, her deep understanding of the nature of the mind or her effective way of guiding, they all have contributed to my growth.
I immediately felt empowered to enforce my boundaries and change the way I respond to others…
Daniel Lamb
This method helped me forgive myself which transformed my relationships with my kids…
Ying Cao

Kelly Zaccaro
Mother of 2
This method is priceless, more intense, and much more effective!
I had unresolved problems with my mother that I couldn’t let go of.
I feel I’ve come a very long way in a short time and am much more relaxed.
I liked that it got to the part of me that had been resistant to change.
I am now able to live and let live much easier and with less conflict!

Emma Ashurst
Nathalie has been part of my healing process for the past 5 years starting with yoga classes, Huna healing and most recently Rapid Transformational Therapy. She has held space for me when I literally couldnt breathe. Her wisdom, support and kindness helped me get to some of the root causes of my pain and helped provide strategies to overcome them.
Nathalie makes you feel at ease and takes genuine care in your wellbeing and healing. She also challenges in a supportive way to ensure you are being true and honest to yourself.
I recommend Nathalie to anyone who is looking for a holistic approach to their wellbeing and open and ready to do work on themselves to continue their healing journey.

Nadia Qasmieh
Mother of 2
Working with Nat was nothing short of life-altering. After one RTT session with her, we got to the root cause of my food allergies. I was able to reintroduce foods I have cut out for 7 years and felt no negative reactions. Most importantly, my relationship with food changed. Instead of being afraid to eat and dreading mealtimes, I now eat to get nourished, gain energy, and experience the pleasure and joy of eating all sorts of foods.
Nat is also full of compassion and consistently followed up and guided me through the challenges that came up after the session. She genuinely cares. I am so glad I’m starting the new decade with a new mindset on life.

Rafiq Qutub
Dad of 2
There was tremendous freedom in accepting my past and realizing that it does not need to dictate my present…
This mindset shift has made me more empathic with my wife and children. I now have more positive communication with my children and I'm teaching them how to recognize and communicate their own feelings. I believe this will help them develop emotional intelligence and mental resilience as they grow into adults.

Mary-Elaine Petrucci
Healthcare Expert
I would have gladly paid thousands of dollars more to receive the results I did….
The RTT and coaching sessions to resolve my past were invaluable and I would definitely recommend Nathalie to anyone who needs to overcome roadblocks that hinder their personal and career growth!

Mother of 1
The relationship between my son and I changed almost instantly. I saw changes within the first 2 weeks and continue to see positive change every week.
I have worked on my self-growth and healing for a number of years but felt I was at a block that I couldn’t get past. What I enjoyed the most about the sessions is that it was a journey into my unconscious mind, that I wasn’t able to access before, to get to the root of my problems. These sessions were extremely beneficial and very much worth the investment.
Catalina Riebe
Mother of 1
I went from feeling unworthy to feeling confident that I can take on the world!
I notice changes, I’d say big ones: an unusual lightness and more introspective awareness.
I feel good, not looking back and few things happen that make me think this is a permanent change.
On a rainy day I do not feel depressed. Things are smooth and more serene for sure. Sleeping has improved and I feel lighter.
I am at a change of medications (I am taking 3 mood stabilizers) and if I am forgetting, my mood stays constant.
RTT with Nathalie was an amazing experience for me. Even the psychiatrist saw the difference in me!
Mother of 1
This was a very transforming experience for me!
It gave me back my sanity and peace of mind as I was thinking there was something very wrong with me and there was no hope, and I was so against the idea of taking medication for the rest of my life.
After my RTT sessions, I was able to feel free of the heavy anxiety I was experiencing. I started understanding what was triggering my depression and since the session I have been in a much better place.
The change was almost instantly, everything was back to regular life but much better.
This was an amazingly easy and calm type of therapy. I felt very comfortable with the sessions. It was emotional but it felt good to relieve all that stress and lingering sadness from the past.
Celia C
Mother of 2
My teen suddenly doesn't talk to me and there is so much tension between us. I am worried and feel helpless. I want to know what is going on between my used-to-be lovely daughter and me. I also want to know how to rebuild our relationship.
The Major Shifts I experienced are
1- I stopped being triggered by my daughter's behaviors. I understand why I was triggered in the first place and acquired skills to reframe and calm down.
2- I know how to establish a relationship between us. She is responding positively to me, and I learned when to push and when to stop.
3- I processed lots of my childhood wounds which helped me build confidence & become a resourceful parent going forward.
RTT really worked for me. I get to relax and get out of my analytical mind and process my emotions. CI helped bring me to the core of my emotions. I think it is Nathalie's compassionate being that makes the approach more efficient. She really embodies unconditional love and that is ultimately what we need.
Connection with my daughter and being free of my emotional pain is priceless.
I got to the core of the issues which created long lasting results for my life, not only in parenting but with my relationship with my husband and being an entrepreneur.

Yoga Success Stories

Mother of 2
I have had the pleasure of practicing yoga with Nathalie for over five years.
She helped me to see that what you do on the mat is reflective of what you do in everyday life and that yoga is really a means for personal growth, physically and mentally. If you can learn how to change your behaviour during your practice, then you can learn how to change your behaviour in the rest of your life. Nathalie keeps you honest during your practice by always encouraging you to push yourself outside your comfort zone as often as possible. Before I started practicing yoga with her I never thought of yoga as being challenging or life changing, but over the years she has helped me to see that it is both.

Violetta House
Mother of 1
I have been practicing Forrest Yoga with Nathalie for nearly 15 years and the journey continues to amaze me.
Nathalie is always tuned in to what I need and where I need to go before I am, and guides me there by focusing my attention with a few simple words and gentle touch. This practice keeps me grounded and connected with who I am, and has become essential to my wellbeing.

Anita Kuri
Mother of 2
Nathalie has helped guide my yoga journey for over 8 years. Her tailored and patient approach to teaching focuses on my needs and allows me to feel safe, confident and encouraged. Nathalie’s compassionate teaching and support also helped me maintain my mobility and a positive mindset through a very difficult and painful period related to a back issue.
My practice with Nathalie has increased my strength, flexibility and body awareness, but more importantly, Nathalie also shares different perspectives and yoga philosophies, which have helped me create better mental calmness, focus and become much more mindful in my practice and everyday life.
I always appreciate how much thought and passion Nathalie puts in to prepare class themes, supporting poses, readings and her newsletters. I look forward to my weekly classes with her and I’m very grateful for our time together!

Cathy Morris
Mother of 4
I have been doing yoga with Nathalie for 8 years.
She is an amazing instructor who cares about your whole well being - physical, emotional and spiritual. Doing yoga with Nathalie has improved every aspect of my life. I am able to do all my other workouts without injury because of Nathalie’s yoga class! The benefits are incredible and I am so grateful to have Nathalie in my life!

Kim McLaughlin
Mother of 3
I have been a student of Nathalie’s for 8 years and connected with her immediately.
Her insights and ability to connect to you personally touches your heart and gives you a sense of accomplishment at any level. Her soft voice provides detailed directions for each pose to ensure everything is executed properly and provides adjustments to cater to all levels. I would highly recommend Nathalie as she has a love of yoga that is portrayed in her life and her classes.

Lesley Harris
Nathalie has been an integral part of my healing journey for nearly ten years.
She has helped me in becoming more aware of where stress manifests in my body and how to alleviate those areas through insightful poses and breathing. Nathalie is a naturally gifted instructor and I am very grateful for the ways I have benefited under her care.